Why Is Family Important to the American Dream

Journal of Comparative Family Studies

journal article

The American Dream of Family in Film: From Turn down to a Comeback

Journal of Comparative Family unit Studies

Published By: Academy of Toronto Press

Journal of Comparative Family Studies

https://www. jstor .org/stable/41602145




The family unit and family-related values take always been a component of dominant civilisation and the American Way of Life. This article deals with the portrayal of the family in the New American Cinema, from the late 1960s to the nowadays. Information technology shows that film (and media) images are not necessarily up-todate: a culture lag may prevail between society'due south material conditions (marital statuses, divorce rates, size of families, patriarchal or matriarchal structures) and its cultural representations (symbols, values and myths about the family unit). More specifically, it discerns six film cycles, each of which presented dissimilar images of the American family unit. They are in chronological club: the turn down of the nuclear family; an endeavour to substitute the nuclear family unit with alternative family unit structures (communes and professional groups); a cycle of films devoted to white suburban families; a cycle depicting troubled and tormented families; a cycle of youth-oriented films; and the most current trend, a return to traditional family values and structures. Over the last xx years, the American family unit has seen many fluctuations in its cinematic treatment, going from astringent decline in the late 1960s to a major improvement in the late 1980s. The study analyzes variations and consistencies in the narrative ideological and cinematic conventions of family unit films, and their interplay with the social and political contexts in which they are made and viewed. La famille et les valeurs qui south'y rattachent ont toujours été une composante de la culture dominante et du mode de vie américain. Cet commodity étudie le portrait qui est fait de la famille dans le nouveau cinéma américain de la fin des années 60 à aujourd'hui. Il montre que les images représentées dans les films (et les médias) ne sont pas nécessairement actuelles: En effect, united nations décalage culturel peut exister entre les weather matérielles de la société (statuts maritaux, fréquence des divorces, grandeur des familles, structures patriarcales ou matriarcales) et ses représentations culturelles (symobles, valeurs et mythes touchant à la famille). L'auteur distingue, plus précisément, six cycles de films dont chacun représente des images différentes de la famille américaine. Par ordre chronologique: le déclin de la famille nucléaire; une tentative de substituer à la famille nucléaire d'autres structures familiales (communes et groupes professionnels); united nations cycle de films consacrés aux familles blanches de la banlieue priviligiée; un cycle montrant des familles tourmentées, en période de troubles; united nations cycle de films conçus pour la jeunesse et, ce qui représente le courant le plus actuel, united nations retour aux valeurs et structures de la famille traditionnelle. Au cours des vingt dernières années, la famille américaine a connu de nombreux changements dans la manière dont elle a été traitée au cinéma, cela allant du déclin sévère de la fin des années 60 au retour en faddy de la fin des années eighty. Cette étude analyse variations et récurrences dans les conventions narratives, idéologiques et cinématographiques des films touchant à la famille, et leur interaction avec les contextes sociaux et politiques dans lesquels ils sont réalisés et vus. La familia y los valores relacionados con la misma han sido siempre un componente dominante en la cultura y la Forma de Vida Americana. Este artículo se trata sobre la representación de una familia en el Nuevo Cine Americano, desde los fines de la década del 60 hasta nuestros días. Muestra cómo las imágenes del flick (y del medio) no están al día necesariamente: puede existir un retardo cultural entre las condiciones materiales de la sociedad (estado betrothed, porcentajes de divorcio, tamaño de la familia, estructura patriarcal o matriarcal) y su representación cultural (símbolos, valores y mitos sobre la familia). Específicamente discierne seis ciclos filmicos, cada uno de los cuales representan imágenes diferentes de la vida americana. Están en orden cronológico: la declinación de la familia nuclear; un intento de sustituir a la familia nuclear por estructuras familiares alternativas (grupos comunesy profesionales); un ciclo de cine dedicado a familias blancas suburbanas; un ciclo representado familias en conflicto y con problemas; un ciclo de cine orientados hacia los jóvenes y, siguiendo la tendencia bodily, un retorno a los valores y las estructuras de la familia tradicional. En los últimos veinte años, la familia americana ha visto muchas fluctuaciones en cuanto a su tratamiento cinemático, desde su declinación drástica a fines de la década del 60 hasta su gran retorno a fines de la década del 80. El estudio analiza variaciones y consistencias en cuanto a los convencionalismos narrativos, ideológicos y cinemáticos de los filmes de familia y su intercambio con el contexto social y político dentro del cual están hechos y vistos.

Periodical Information

JCFS was established in 1970 to publish high quality articles based on research in comparative and cross cultural family studies. The periodical promotes a improve understanding of both intra- and inter-ethnic family unit interaction that is essential for all multicultural societies. It draws articles from social science researchers around the globe and contains valuable material for Sociologists, Anthropologists, Family Counselors and Social Psychologists. JCFS publishes peer-reviewed articles, enquiry notes, and book reviews four times per twelvemonth.

Publisher Information

University of Toronto Press is Canada's leading academic publisher and one of the largest university presses in North America, with particular strengths in the social sciences, humanities, and business organisation. The Volume Publishing Division is widely recognized in Canada for its strength in history, political science, sociology, Indigenous studies, and cultural studies. Internationally, UTP is a leading publisher of medieval, Renaissance, Italian, Iberian, Slavic, and urban studies, besides every bit studies in book and print culture. The Journals Division has been an important office of the Printing since its foundation and has built a potent reputation for excellence in scholarship and innovation in publishing. We work paw-in-hand with world-class authors, editors and scholarly societies to publish 40+ journals in a variety of disciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, and medicine. We are passionate about loftier-quality content, digital distribution, and the success of scholarly journals and are making major strides forward in areas such as online peer review systems and multimedia publishing, such as videos and podcasts. Our goal is to be a leading journal publisher in Northward America, serving the North American and international academic community with superior journals, exceptional services, and client-focused employees.


Source: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41602145

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